You have not experienced true refreshment until you've tried this artesian spring water!

natural artesian spring water house angel magic magical tree heal healing healed happyhill blessing blessed refreshing clean pure refreshment

About HappyHill

HappyHill SpringWorks is a source of deeply refreshing, pure, natural artesian spring water. It was the home and life passion of Samuel Thomas (Tom) Hildebrand who originally cleared the spring and started the water business.

We require our customers to own a part of the spring works so that all who enjoy the water are members. This is similar to the way that people who “own” part of a cow can drink unpasteurized, raw milk from the cow that they “own”.

If you have questions that aren’t answered below, please reach out to us. To become a member of the spring works and start your water deliveries, please click here or visit our Shop.

  • Water. Just pure artesian spring water, treated with UV-C light.

  • Please be aware that we no longer offer specially concentrated Ormus water.

    Ormus water and the HappyHill springs, in Tom’s words:

    “One day, during mid year 2008, I opened the door on my freezer to discover stalagmites growing out of the ice cubes in one of my ice trays. These stalagmites were about an inch high. It looked like the water had caught on fire and the flames had been frozen in place above the individual ice cubes. Visualize a flame with a wide base going up to a narrow apex. I had never seen anything like this. In my world, water lay flat in the ice trays or bowls or wherever it was. I was amazed at this and had no explanation for it.

    I attended a Course in Miracles study group in Chapel Hill. At the beginning of each group meeting, we all went around the circle and briefly share whatever we feel like we would like to share with the group. My sharing after this occurrence was explaining what had happened with the ice trays and asking if anyone else had ever seen any thing like it or had any kind of explanation for it, because I certainly didn’t. The majority of the group wanted to know if something had dripped down onto the ice trays thus forming the apparent stalagmites. I assured them that nothing had dripped down onto the trays. One lady in our group did say that she had seen something like it years before in a house she used to live in that had spring water as its water source. All in all, we all laughed it off as the miracle of the ice trays and forgot about it.

    Then on November 30, 2008, I received an email from the President of the Triangle Dowsers association containing a link to a video that he thought I might find of interest. This link had been sent to him by the “Head Honcho, Toronto Dowsers” to share with other water dowsers who she thought would find this video of particular interest. It had been sent to her by Barry Carter and the link was only going to be available for seven days. The video was by David Wolfe and in it he was explaining about the energy of water and talking about magnetic vortex traps used for extracting this particular high energy water. In the video he showed several magnetic vortex traps in operation and he was explaining to another guy how they worked. He was saying that the best place to find water with this high energy content was springs because this was a levitating energy and was being raised up from deep within the earth. He went on to say that you could even track the weather because if you had some of this high energy water in your ice trays it would form stalagmites under certain weather conditions. “Holy crap” the first and only explanation I had heard about why my water had formed stalagmites in the ice trays.

    I shared this information with my fellow Course in Miracles students and sent the video link to them and some did manage to watch it before the link was removed. There was some discussion of the video and this ORMUS energy and then it was dropped. My interest in the subject of ORMUS water had been sparked however, because I had seen direct evidence of something strange in my own ice trays and this explanation about ORMUS energy was the only explanation I had come across to account for it. I started looking on the internet about the subject and quite quickly found Barry Carters web site . Even though I knew nothing about this type of energy that Barry and others were discussing, I knew that something unusual had indeed happened with my artesian spring water and also that in my initial guidance back in 1990 I had been told that my water was "healing water" so I thought perhaps this might be what was meant.

    After a period of several months, I decided to build a magnetic vortex trap based on the plans given for building the winter sink trap on Barry’s web site. It just felt right to do so. I ended up building three slightly different traps. Barry had suggested using 4” diameter round schedule 40 PVC pipe cut to 6 ½” for the barrel of the trap. The shortest piece of 4” diameter pipe I could find to purchase was a piece 24” long. I cut two 6 ½” pieces out of this 24” length which left me with a piece 11” long left over. I have always paid particular attention to the number 11. I was born on Jan. 11 which is 1/11 and I see 11:11 and 1:11 on my digital clocks quite frequently. So when I had a leftover piece 11” long, it was a given that I was going to build a trap with an 11” central barrel. I ended up with three slightly different traps all based on the information on Barry’s web site.

    On the two that the top can be removed, I saw a very interesting demonstration of the vortex action prior to actually placing them into operation. I love the taste of my artesian spring water and I did not want to taint it with the flavor of the glue that I had used to assemble the traps so I ran quite a bit of water through them prior to actually using them. I had the tops off of the removable ones and the water rose out of the top of the collectors like a tornado, a swirling vortex of water spinning out of the top of the collectors. Quite a sight to see.“

  • The water was tested by a national lab in February of 2019. The test results are here.

  • Each week on Monday (including holidays unless notified in advance) our water is delivered to two locations, one in Pittsboro, one in Chapel Hill. Customers pick up their full bottles as agreed and subscribed to in advance, and drop off their empties to be filled for the next pickup.

    You may also purchase and pick up a one-time sample bottle of our water at one of our normal water delivery locations/times.

  • Once you’ve purchased your subscription, you’ll need twice as many total bottles as you pick up each time you get a delivery. You’ll be drinking the water from half of the bottles while the other half are at the spring works, waiting to be filled for the next delivery.

  • Our customers own and are responsible for maintaining their own three gallon water bottles. We sell BPA-free bottles in our shop, or you may purchase your own.

  • Customers can subscribe to have as many bottles as they wish delivered to one of our pickup locations. Each bottle delivered is currently $5 for 3 gallons. You may pick up the water you have purchased in your filled bottles weekly, twice a month or once per month.

    For example, we have customers who pick up one bottle every week, and some customers who pick up a car-full of bottles once a month.

    You may also purchase and pick up a one-time sample bottle of our water at one of our normal water delivery locations/times.

  • Payments are flexible, and can be made at our delivery sites by cash or check. We also offer monthly, twice a month or quarterly subscriptions through PayPal with a linked credit card or bank account.

  • Sorry, no. If you’re a once per month or twice per month customer we will bring your filled bottles to your normal delivery site the week after your missed pickup.

  • Sorry, no. We simply find them too heavy to lift.

  • Because Tom had a very interesting encounter with an angel at his home. You can read about it in “Angel in the Loft”, one of Tom’s Mystical Stories here.